Get your customer service to be homogeneous

Today customers interact with us in multiple ways: they enter our website, buy in our online store, chat with us, post comments about us on Social Networks and much more. Of course they also go to our stores, call on the phone, talk to our employees or ourselves, etc.

To ensure that our clients enjoy an adequate service, we must have all these service channels connected and integrated, only in this way will we ensure that clients receive a homogeneous service, that they always see the same company.

In addition, we must build a single data repository that supports all these interaction channels: that provides all the information about the products and services, that collects the most frequent questions (FAQs) and their corresponding answers, that allows searching in the history of incidents and that includes the star comments of our best clients.

integrar canales de atencion al cliente

Streamlines automated response systems

Much of customer service today relies on automated systems, such as the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, which is often used in conjunction with vending machines. (ACD – Automatic Call Distributor).

However, these systems today produce an extremely negative impact on customers, mainly due to two things: the long waiting times that they cause and the errors in the allocation that the system produces by misidentifying the subject of the call.

You must reduce the response times of your automatic systems as much as possible. To do this, the best strategy is to organize the responses into two levels: a first level that addresses the simplest questions through a battery of responses and a second level that derives calls to an agent when the question is more complex, instead of making the client despairs looking for a suitable option or, simply, leaves the conversation.

incorporar firma electronica proceso comercial

Discover what Essenzial can do for you

  • Have you identified your main Marketing, Sales and Customer Service processes?
  • Would you like to know how you can start the Digital Transformation of your Organization?
  • Do you want us to help you perform a totally free Digital Diagnostic?

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Discover what ESSENZIAL can do for you

+34 618 55 44 93
C/ Luis Buñuel, 2 - Edificio EGEDA
Ciudad de la Imagen
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón - Madrid

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