
Technological, digital and business trends to help organizations make decisions in a rapidly transforming environment.

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Ideas, Perspectives, Reports and Communications

eLearning: improving your results

eLearning: improving your results

La formación digital (eLearning) puede contribuir significativamente a los resultados de su compañía, incluso si su negocio no tiene nada ...
How to improve your internet business

How to improve your internet business

When starting their "digital journey", many companies simply try to "migrate" their current business model to the Internet. And this ...
Has the Internet reached companies? - 2

Has the Internet reached companies? – 2

We now wanted to emphasize the main obstacles that our SMEs find when closing that digital divide, seeing as they ...
Now it's La Roja's turn

Now it’s La Roja’s turn

The future has a name, a middle name and a surname: Collaboration, Ecosystem and Synergy. Put them in the order ...

Digital Challenges

Identify your Digital Challenges and select the most interest Areas of Improvement

elegir procesos y monitorizalos

Stay ahead of problems and needs (be proactive).

Use order prediction techniques to make offers ...
atender y resolver preguntas incidencias reclamaciones garantias cambios y devoluciones

Reply to your Clients

Attend and resolve all questions, incidents, claims, guarantees, exchanges and returns. Do it in the ...
realizar encuestas de satisfaccion

Know and meet their expectations.

Analyze all customer contacts with your company. Also the history of products and services you ...
añadir blog corporativo

Listen to your customers, regardless of the channel through which they speak to you.

Pay attention to Social Networks: Solve problems before they go viral and damage the image ...


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Customer Stories

Main projects carried out

Impulsa Igualdad

Impulsa Igualdad

Impulsa Igualdad es una entidad de ámbito estatal que tiene como objetivo promover la igualdad de oportunidades y mejorar la ...


INTERSINDICAL SALUD desarrolla formación especializada, impartida por un equipo de expertos y colaboradores, DIRIGIDA hacia todos los profesionales de la ...
Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer

Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer

AECC is a private, charitable, non-profit organization that seeks to facilitate the long road that a person who has been ...


The Madrid Foundation for Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (NEUMOMADRID), is a scientific association that brings together health professionals dedicated to ...

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