Analyze all user contacts with your company.

Analyzing the historical data allows us to know the needs and preferences of users. They speak to us and show us their preferences every time they come into contact with our company, when they ask, when they buy, when they don’t, when they have bought and have a problem with the product and complain, etc.

We must listen to them, dive into our information systems, use analysis techniques (Business Intelligence) to find out things like: What are their needs? What products can satisfy them? Are your needs more functional or emotional? What problems do you want to solve with our services?  Are they going to be members? Are the going to have privileges for being members?

analizar contactos del cliente

Review the history of products and services you have purchased.

If we study the history of products and services acquired by an user and compare it with their client profile, we can obtain valuable information: what is it that our clients value and appreciate in our products and services, in our company.

We must also carefully review the opportunities that have not come to fruition, trying to find out the reasons that have failed the sale: was it the price? Does the competition have a similar and cheaper product? Have the sales cycle tasks not been executed well?

On the other hand, reviewing some metrics such as our conversion ratio of opportunities into sales, our customer retention rate or the average time they spend buying our products, we can also get an idea of whether we have satisfied their needs and expectations.

historico productos y servicios

Ask questions: Take satisfaction surveys.

The effort of asking your potential clients is worth it: What are they looking for, what needs do they have, what budget they have, etc. It’s not just about getting answers, it’s also about showing your interest and getting theirs.

It is also a good idea to ask your customers to leave their suggestions and comments on your website: what do they think of the products and services purchased, what is their level of satisfaction with them, would they advise a friend to buy them, etc. This task may appear as a suggestion at the end of a sale.

You can prepare satisfaction surveys, as long as they are short and include the possible answers. In this way, clients’ work is made easier and they are more willing to carry them out, since it takes them little time to carry them out.

For some products, the “beta tester” user technique can be used: It involves registering a user and giving him access to our application, asking him in return to use it and record any faults he finds, or improvements that are made. happen to him. This technique is mostly used in the final testing phase, shortly before the product launch.

realizar encuestas de satisfaccion

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