
“We were looking for a service provider that would help the Madrid Foundation for Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery to implement it´s evolution and digital transformation, facilitating the dissemination of the development of research and training activities, and uniting a large group of professional associates to the general population . In Essenzial we found a first-rate technological partner, with a clear strategy to support Associations and Foundations focused on research and teaching.”


Improve communication, both internal and external to patients and the foundation in general, and have tools that facilitate greater traceability of foundations’s activities, with the aim of valuing and improving them day by day.


Coverage of a large part of the Foundation’s processes, integrating the 4 environments (old website, neumotheque, blog and courses) into one only, creating a new Professional area (for members and non-members), implementing tools to support our technical secretary, with the process digitization that were previously carried out manually. Opening of a new online shopping channel, allowing the service range digitization, through electronic payment.


A much more dynamic image of the foundation. All these changes have made possible to provide greater agility in the procedures, being possible to enroll in courses directly (online and face-to-face), have space for the information of each partner and of course to continue having updated information on all activities.



Neumomadrid uses the entire Essenzial Suite of Cloud Solutions for Foundations and Associations:

Foundation Web Portal (organization, sponsors, congresses, pneum library, summary of the respiratory pathology magazine, newsletter, blog, press room, scientific committee: awards and scholarships).

Electronic Commerce (registration of partners, publications, sponsorship, registration to events, donations and request for endorsements).

Training (online course of the Complutense University of Madrid, face-to-face and third-party courses, forums).

Customer Portal (Profesionals) (allows serving more than 2000 professionals, sharing documentation, accreditations and certificates).

Customer Portal (Patient) (guides, blog, videos, patient associations and contact).



Madrid Foundation for Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (NEUMOMADRID), is a scientific association that brings together health professionals dedicated to the study and research of diseases of the respiratory system, as well as their prevention and clinical care. The scope of action of the Company is in the Community of Madrid, and its objectives, set out in it´s founding statutes are the following:

  • Promote progress in the scientific knowledge of thoracic diseases, as a via to achieve better medical and surgical treatment of them as well as their most effective prevention.
  • Promote contacts and professional exchanges among it´s members for scientific purposes and with other professionals related to Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery.
  • Offer advice to people or entities, both public and private, that require it on social, professional, scientific and research aspects in Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery.


  • EXPERIENCE. Although Essenzial was founded in 2013, it is created by professionals with more than 20 years of experience, who have developed their professional careers in large consulting firms and multinationals.
  • DIFFERENTIATION. Because our solutions are based on free software components in their respective fields, under a 100% Cloud approach.
  • DEADLINE AND COST OF IMPLEMENTATION. You only pay for what you use, with reduced implementation times thanks to our “Accelerators for Associations and Foundations”.



NEUMOMADRID decided to use Essenzial’s Cloud services, leaving all the technological management in our hands, and thus focus on what really adds value to its professionals and patients; Check it out on it´s portal by opening this link.

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  • Would you like to know how you can start the Digital Transformation of your Organization?
  • Do you want us to help you perform a totally free Digital Diagnostic?

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Discover what ESSENZIAL can do for you

+34 618 55 44 93
C/ Luis Buñuel, 2 - Edificio EGEDA
Ciudad de la Imagen
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón - Madrid

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