The Essenzial Solutions are in the Cloud

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Outsourcing of storage and processing hardware, using virtualization, and eliminating the need to maintain the centers in the company itself.Learn more »

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

It can include any activity associated with the development and implementation of applications from the Internet: databases, application servers, security and integration.Learn more »

Software as a Service (SaaS)

This layer includes our front-office applications, allowing the user to interact with clients, as one more service.Learn more »

The Essenzial Solutions are 100% Responsive Design

Why a Solution in the Cloud?

  • Full service

    It can cover the Infrastructure, Platform and Applications that your Business needs.

  • Technology without Risk in the hands of experts

    Companies do not have to be the experts in the technology that supports their businesses.

  • Services from anywhere

    The Cloud Model represents a collection of services offered through the Network, accessible from anywhere.

  • Services provisioned from large Data Centers

    These are IT Services, usually managed in a different place from where they are used by the client.

  • In all phases of an Information System

    These services may require an initial Implementation and Adaptation, as well as subsequent Support.

  • For all kinds of needs

    Although in general we refer to Public Clouds, there are companies that decide to make a transformation of their information systems through Private Clouds.

  • Reuse of Standard Solutions

    Talking about Cloud Solutions is talking about reusing Standard Solutions, with minimal adaptations, if possible, below 10%.

  • Privacy, Security and Regulatory Compliance

    The aspects of the Cloud model that most concern companies are privacy and data location, so when evaluating Cloud Solutions, it is not only convenient to look at the last layer of SaaS, because IaaS and PaaS are equally important. Essenzial has taken this into account when configuring their Solutions, aligning them with the largest ones (Amazon, Google, Godaddy and Telefónica).

  • Cost reduction

    The Cloud model implies a very low initial cost, since the services are available as they are needed at each moment, paying for the use of them and allowing to be expanded as the business requires it. This represents for the companies an authentic transformation of fixed costs into variables.

  • Interesting for SMEs and Large Companies

    SMEs have historically been at a disadvantage compared to large companies. The Cloud approach of Information Systems allows SMEs to compete at the same technological level, eliminating large initial investments, and paying only for the use of resources.

  • It is especially interesting for Startups

    Entrepreneurs need to reduce the time-to-market. This, together with the effect of "pay-per-use", improves the positioning of new products and services in the market, for companies in general and Start-Ups in particular.

We offer you everything as a service

Forget buying hardware, contracting communications, security, etc.

ESSENZIAL's SaaS Solutions use the best Open Source Software




Wordpress is the leading Content Management Software. More than half of the Internet uses Wordpress

 (Source: "Most Popular Content Management System - BuiltWith)




Woocommerce has grown 4 times more than Magento in the last years. Woocommerce is the leader. Your community takes advantage of the strengths of Wordpress. Wordpress is used by 51% of the Internet.

(Source: "Global eCommerce Technology Distribution - BuiltWith)




Sensei 100% integrated with Wordpress and WooCommerce. 51% of the Internet uses Wordpress, and Woocommerce grows the most. Sensei covers 90% of the functionality of Moodle.

(Source: eLearning Guild Research)




Gartner and Forrester, have qualified as "visionary" and "modern" Open Source CRM Software used by the 45,000 IBM commercial, SugarCRM. Essenzial uses an evolution, at a lower cost than Salesforce.

(Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant)

PaaS - Platform as a Service

  • Provisioning a Platform to cover the entire cycle of development, testing and implementation of Solutions in Cloud.
  • In the broadest sense, it can provide a horizontal functionality consisting of operating system, database, web server, security and authentication, messaging, integration, performance, etc.
  • The client does not need to acquire any additional basic software, eliminating initial licensing costs.


Essenzial is Safe. Secure SSL protocol, aligned with LOPD, SHA256 in payment gateways, backup copies and anti-piracy protection.


Essenzial is for everyone. Cloud + free software + global consulting + accelerators = the technological solutions of the large, accessible to all.


Essenzial is implanted fast. With your active collaboration you can count on a standard solution in less than 6 weeks.


Essenzial is very competitive. Pay per use, without permanence or penalties. With a minimum initial implementation cost, just once.

IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

  • Model Infrastructure provisioned as a Service, easily scalable, relying on shared, virtualizated or dedicated servers.
  • It covers the needs that were usually carried out by the IT departments of the companies, such as the acquisition of servers, storage units, space in a center, equipment for networks and communications, etc.
  • Essenzial has market leading suppliers partnership, assuming the service management, to carry out the use of said infrastructure.

Let’s talk!

Discover what ESSENZIAL can do for you

+34 618 55 44 93
C/ Luis Buñuel, 2 - Edificio EGEDA
Ciudad de la Imagen
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón - Madrid

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