Solution for quality accreditations
Optimize your Healthcare Quality Certification and unit Accreditation processes.
Why use the Quality and Innovation module?
- Automate tasks that speed up the accreditation process.
- Have all the information in one single place.
- Define Accreditation Criteria adjusted to your needs.
- Conveniently manage the assignment of accreditation teams.
- Streamline the application accreditation process.
“Essenzial provided us with a flexible, attractive and affordable digital solution to the local market.”
Amaya Romero – Marketing and Communication Director – PHS Serkonten
Information unification
The Quality section includes the documentation associated with the calls organized by areas, accreditation levels, documentation and requirements.
From the Services associated with Quality, you can initiate an Accreditation Request, which once filled out, is accessible from the private area, and complete it with the data on the healthcare activity and the relevant technical resources.
Certificates and accreditations
The certificate generation process can be automated thanks to the fact that our administration solution has Workflows, which we parameterize and customize from Essenzial in the initial implementation.
In them, by identifying the necessary conditions, you can automate certain tasks of your foundation, such as the generation of a student’s certificate, through customizable templates.
Control panel
In the Care Quality management layer, you can select the Accreditation request, as well as its exercise, to access the different registered Applicants from the Web. On this screen you have the information associated with the status of the Applications.
Accreditor Teams
In this section, you will find all the existing accrediting teams, as well as the members that form them, as well as a search engine, which offers filters by both teams and accreditors.
When creating a new team, once the name and its members have been defined, you will return to the previous screen, displaying the new assignment.
Assignment of Requests and status analysis.
Here you will see which teams are in charge of evaluating which requests.
Additionally, for a quick overview, all assignments made will appear, so you can have a global view of the teams involved in the process.
Evaluation process
Here all the criteria defined previously at the quality accreditation level are shown, so that the people on the team can carry out the evaluation of the request in question.
When it is an accreditor who enters the backend, the process will be shown from this section, so that the previous two will only be visible to the Accreditation administrator, the only person in charge of carrying out the tasks of assignment.
Analysis of the results
This section includes all the online data regarding the status of the selected accreditation application.
This results screen is completed with a report as an executive summary, which serves to present the conclusions of the Accreditation Process for that call.