Digital Solutions for your Industry

Sectorial approach 100% modular; implement only what you need.

Vertical Solutions

Cloud Solutions & Apps thinking about Business Processes of your sector.


Essenzial is Safe. Secure SSL protocol, aligned with LOPD, SHA256 in payment gateways, backup copies and anti-piracy protection.


Essenzial is for everyone. Cloud + free software + global consulting + accelerators = the technological solutions of the large, accessible to all.


Essenzial is implanted fast. With your active collaboration you can count on a standard solution in less than 6 weeks.


Essenzial is very competitive. Pay per use, without permanence or penalties. With a minimum initial implementation cost, just once.

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Discover what ESSENZIAL can do for you

+34 618 55 44 93
C/ Luis Buñuel, 2 - Edificio EGEDA
Ciudad de la Imagen
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón - Madrid

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