eCommerce Cloud

A few days ago we referred to the main conclusions of a recent report by eBay on the “Situation of Spanish SMEs that sell online in 2015” in which the managers of 1,235 small and medium-sized Spanish companies (SMEs) participated.

We have already shared our thoughts on the evolution and main indicators of the aforementioned report, such as that only two out of ten Spanish SMEs sell their products through the Internet, despite the fact that the vast majority of respondents (89.8%) consider it fundamental for their company to make the leap to the online world in the next 12 months or sooner.

We now wanted to emphasize the main obstacles that our SMEs find when closing that digital divide, seeing as they are convinced of the need to do so.

The main conclusion of the study is clear, and it is the lack of preparation that our SMEs perceive in themselves, and that translates more specifically into logistical problems and delivery of the product (19.5%), followed by the need for investment to adapt to the online world (14.5%), and finally the difficulty in a consistent customer service process  (13.8% of respondents).

While it is difficult to generalize about the first and third of the conclusions, We will comment on the second of them: the need for investment to adapt to the digital world, especially in necessary technological infrastructure.

In this sense, it is important to highlight that ” Cloud Computing ” (effectively, the cloud) can be the answer to that challenge, considering that deploying a technological platform (hardware and software) in the cloud:

  • Does not require IT resources or significant investments a priori,
  • It outsources and cheapens the technological management, without compromising the security of the data (rather to the contrary),
  • It is 100% scalable and only what is used is paid for at all times, and also
  • It allows for adoption in conjunction with free software alternatives (that is, without payment of proprietary licenses)

In short, the double combination ofopen source” (free software) + “cloud computing” (cloud) can represent a great option for our SMEs to continue advancing in this way, transforming themselves into online businesses at a worldwide scale. Why not?.

Link to the report:

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