Review the sales cycle procedures.

Check that your processes already have the necessary metrics to carry out their evaluation, if not, add them. In this way you can measure how long the tasks last, what effort they need, what resources they consume, etc. Include suppliers and customers in your processes, to have greater visibility.

When measuring process metrics, pay special attention to the key indicators, the KPIs, which are what inform us of the degree of compliance with our objectives as a company. The most important are usually the consumption of time, resources and money of each process.

Analyze which processes (or which parts of a process) can be improved: which tasks can be eliminated or reduced, which steps can be carried out automatically, etc. In this process you can rely on the best practices in your sector of activity, comparing the details of your procedures and taking note of those that are furthest from market standards.

revisar procesos de venta y simplificalos

Simplify them, eliminating unnecessary steps.

Eliminate duplicate tasks, many times it is enough to substantially improve a business process. To do this, it is best to represent your processes in a BPMN diagram and analyze them carefully. You will surely find some identical or very similar tasks that can be eliminated, thus improving the quality of the procedure.

Simplify or eliminate sending information: Implement a collaborative work environment, for example the cloud, so that all users have access to all documents and sending them by mail or any other method is unnecessary.

It is also important to introduce efficiency into our processes. For example, we can try to generate tasks that are reusable at various points in a process, or build sub-processes that have multiple uses: a validation of information, for example, that accesses our databases, can be used at many points in our processes. In this way we will achieve our objectives by making optimal use of resources.

alta oportunidad que genere tareas de manera automatica

Automate repetitive tasks.

We can automate a large part of everyday workflows. Today there are many computer tools, free or very low cost, which can be incorporated to automate repetitive tasks as much as possible.

For example, we can have the registration of an opportunity sent to the appropriate sales representatives automatically and all the necessary tasks are generated in the corresponding agendas.

We can also automate our publications on social networks, so that if we publish a post on one of them, it will automatically be published on the rest of the networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Another example would be to automate the sending of emails to our clients every time they interact with our website: when they register, when they post a comment or note on our website, etc.

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  • Would you like to know how you can start the Digital Transformation of your Organization?
  • Do you want us to help you perform a totally free Digital Diagnostic?

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C/ Luis Buñuel, 2 - Edificio EGEDA
Ciudad de la Imagen
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón - Madrid

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