Discover and analyze all the fingerprints of your company, the elements that already exist on the internet.

You must investigate all the elements that already exist on the internet about your company and about your products and services: Website, Online Store, Presence in Social Networks, Appearance in external web pages, etc. Make a catalog of all these footprints.

These elements today make up the digital identity of your company, your starting point. You must contrast this existing identity with the corporate image that you want to have (or with which you think you should have), detailing all the points where you see that they are already aligned, as well as those where you see discrepancies.

descubrir analizar huellas digitales

Analyze all the elements of the internet that are related.

You must look for and know all the elements of the internet that are directly related to yours, that is, those that are “just one click away”, as they are part of your ecosystem and influence the perception that users have of your company.

It’s important to share contents in Social Networks in a way it reaches the most users possible and also allowing them to share the links they consider interesting in their profiles.

You can also learn a lot from your competition. If you analyze the image of a company similar to yours, you will see what elements make up its digital identity and, above all, which ones achieve positive effects and which ones do not work too well. Take good note of all of them.

analizar elementos internet

Integrate them, so that the digital image of your company is coherent.

You must ensure that all your fingerprints are aligned, that they respond to a defined strategy, that provide a coherent image of your company.

To do this you will have to enhance the existing elements that already do it and modify or even eliminate all those that do not.

One of the things you can and should do is reuse the content, especially the most valuable ones, of course, adapting them in each case to the occasion and the channel in which you publish them.

Another key is to take care of conversations with clients, especially when they have had a negative experience. It is very important to know how to manage and overcome conflicts.

integrar imagen digital

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